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5 benefits of manual handling training

27 February 2020

There are lots of rather unfair myths about manual handling but one of the biggest is that it’s simply about picking up boxes and heavy objects correctly.

This isn’t the case. In fact, manual handling’s benefits extend to pretty much all walks of life.

Therefore, if you’re hanging back on investing in manual handling training, we’d like to put your mind at ease with these five benefits of this vital life skill (because that’s what it is!).

1. There’s a significant long-term benefit

If you’re taught how to correctly lift, pull and push heavy or awkward objects, there’s a serious long-term benefit to be enjoyed.

No one wants to reach the latter stages of their life and experience on-going chronic back pain. Correct manual handling will protect your back as your body grows older, and that means a life that won’t be blighted by one of the most debilitating pains you can experience.

2. You’ll experience less sick days

Sick days aren’t fun for anyone.

In 2018, it was revealed that back pain is the biggest cause of long-term sickness in the UK. Affecting around three-million people each year, it has a dreadful impact on both employee health and productivity levels.

Manual handling training alleviates this pressure put on the workforce by ensuring there are less sick days and medical appointments related to back problems.

3. You won’t need as many prescriptions

How many times have you or a colleague had to pay for prescriptions for anti-inflammatory and pain killers to address back problems?

Manual handling training won’t completely rid you of the need to occasionally visit the doctors and buy a prescription, but it will stop you from doing so for problems relating to back pain.

4. You’ll gain freedom

Ah, freedom - a life essential that can be so easily taken away due to back pain.

There’s nothing like having the freedom to do what you want, where you want and whenever you want. However, back pain can severely limit your ability to achieve things in life.

Why let your back rule what you can and can’t do when some basic manual handling training could be the key to living a healthy, wholesome life?

5. It’s a life skill

We’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: manual handling extends far beyond the skills needed for lifting heavy objects.

You’d be amazed by how many instances of manual handling you encounter each day without realising - and not just at work, either.

Just take a moment to consider how often you undertake the following actions each day either at home or while at work:

  • lifting
  • pushing
  • pulling
  • carrying
  • lowering

Unless you’re chilling out in front of the TV, chances are you’ll be doing one or several of the above regularly. It’s vital that you do each one properly, and that’s the underlying benefit of manual handling training.

Wrapping up

Manual handling will make your workplace safer, employees more productive and ensure everyone is as healthy as they should be.

What’s more, it’s a technique that constantly evolves, therefore on-going training is something really worth investing in.

To find out more about the manual handling Train the Trainer sessions we offer in Northamptonshire, click here.

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