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What does it mean to be a City & Guilds approved centre?

22 October 2019

At NTS, we’ve been providing City & Guilds approved training for over two decades. It’s resulted in us working with people from all manner of industries, and we love helping them create safer, happier teams.

But why should you book a Train the Trainer session with a City & Guilds approved centre like us?

It’s a fair question. After all, if you’ve never heard of City & Guilds or know very little about their organisation, how can you assess the benefits?

Who are City & Guilds?

Established over 140 years ago, City & Guilds works with a number of organisations to help build the skills of workers throughout the UK. Their products and services are designed to recognise and elevate vital workplace skills, from apprenticeships to accreditation and assessments.

NTS works directly with City & Guilds to provide effective health and safety training to UK businesses who want to increase their ability to train in house. We’ve been doing this for over 20 years.

City & Guilds’ goal is to “ensure that, whoever you are, you have the right skills to thrive both now and in the future”, and that matches our ethos. It’s how we’re helping businesses create safer, more highly-skilled workplaces.

Here’s what it means to be a City & Guilds approved training centre.

We benefit from their considerable experience

City & Guilds have a prestigious history, and that means an awful lot when it comes to vocational training.

The organisation was founded in 1878 to protect the standard of technical education, and that commitment is still evident today.

We have decades of experience ourselves, but being able to tap into over 140 years of City & Guilds experience is invaluable.

Training we can all trust

We provide training for some incredibly complex and hazardous occupations, and for that, we need approved training that can be fully trusted by both us and our clients.

Our Train the Trainer courses are based on recognised procedures and best practices developed over decades by City & Guilds, and that really means something.

If it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for us, and there’s nothing quite like the peace of mind it gives our trainees.

We’re checked - regularly

We’re always first to point out how important regular, on-going training is if you want to remain compliant and up-to-speed with the latest health and safety best practices.

We don’t just talk the talk, though; as a City & Guilds approved centre, we’re subjected to their robust External Quality Assurance activity and checks. This means the quality of NTS training is constantly put through its paces and assured by the best in the business.

Put simply, we’re never allowed to sit still or rest on our laurels - and that really works for us!

Trainer development

We couldn’t survive without our brilliant team of trainers, but they’re under no illusion about the need for continual personal development.

Our role is to ensure NTS trainers retain a great working knowledge of health and safety practices, but it’s the job of City & Guilds to make sure we achieve our commitment to helping delegates learn.

A long-term relationship

We’ve worked with City & Guilds for 20 years. And it really is a two-way relationship.

This means we benefit continually from their evolving advice and support. But we also get to work with them in order to improve our trainees’ experience and the continued development of the NTS service.


It’s hard to overestimate just how important our City & Guilds approval is and how much it benefits our trainees.

If you need to up your training game and create a healthier, safer, more productive workplace, look for City & Guilds approval - every time.

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