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What is Manual Handling Train the Trainer and who can benefit?

26 February 2021

Manual handling is a major part of many job descriptions. Unbeknown to most, manual handling isn’t just reserved for the lifting and carrying of inanimate objects. Manual handling techniques are called upon for the transport and support of people and animals too.

As anyone who undertakes manual handling will know, the risk of accidental injury is particularly high when lifting, carrying and lowering loads. Manual handling accidents are particularly common as a result, with one third of accidents at work caused by poor manual handling.

The use of incorrect techniques can have a detrimental and long-lasting impact on both the professional and personal lives of those affected. It’s only through training that injuries like these can be prevented, and that’s where your manual handling trainer and our Manual Handling Train the Trainer course will come in…


What is Manual Handling Train the Trainer?

As specialists in Train the Trainer programmes, our courses enable businesses like yours to give your employees access to the best and most up-to-date in-house training. We give your in-house trainers the knowledge, tools, guidance and support they need to deliver effective training with confidence and clarity, and ultimately keep your workplace productive and safe.

Our Manual Handling Train the Trainer course provides specialist training to manual handling trainers looking to teach and support safe manual handling techniques that comply with the latest legislation.


Is this Train the Trainer course right for me?

Our Manual Handling Train the Trainer course has been developed with trainers at all stages and all industry sectors in mind. As a result, it’s beneficial for all, whether you’re new to being a manual handling trainer or a time-served practitioner.

This Manual Handling Train the Trainer course however is only suitable for those delivering training on the movement and handling of inanimate objects. It does not provide guidance on the movement and handling of people or animals.


What does Manual Handling Train the Trainer cover?

Our 2-day course offers a comprehensive insight into every aspect of manual handling. Trainers will learn all they need to know about the regulations that apply to manual handling at work.

They’ll take part in manual handling activities to explore various approved techniques (including kinetic handling and team lifting methods), examine the outcomes of poor manual handling, and discover how to look after their bodies and specifically backs to prevent manual handling injuries.

Delegates will also learn how to effectively structure and deliver manual handling training, cater to different learning styles and successfully assess trainees.

At the end of the course, delegates will receive a City & Guilds Profile of Achievement Award 3791 and an NTS Trainer's certificate.

For further details on our Manual Handling Train the Trainer programme or to book your place on our next course, please click here.



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